Comentariile membrilor:

 =  opinion!
Marius Surleac
[26.Nov.08 21:33]
Please pay attention to the major syntax and spelling errors! Otherwise the text can't get out from workshop.

 =  dani
Christopher Thripp
[09.Dec.08 11:18]
are these words of love you speak of to god?

 =  some indications
Laurenţiu Ion
[08.Jan.09 13:13]
for example: "What its happiness ?" - there's, IS instead of ITS. ITS is a possessive pronoun. It's (it + is) - here's, IT is a pronoun which replaces objects.
when you use Subject + Was + Verb, the verb must be at the continuous form (+ ING).
instead of using "I was wait" you can use "I waitED", or I had waited. it depends on the action time.

"my love coming to me...." - my love IS coming to see, because verbs+Ing needs "TO BE" (is).
...and so on

 =  Laurentiu
Daniela Voicu
[08.Jan.09 20:41]
Laurentiu, I learn myself English, not from school. Thank you for help. I am not an expert on grammar,I still learn.Then all your words help me to improve my English.
Thank you again.

 =  .
Laurenţiu Ion
[08.Jan.09 14:32]
there's IS instead [...]*
here, IT is [...]*, of course


 =  Fine and dandy, L.I.
John Willy Kopperud
[08.Jan.09 19:00]
It's a good thing indeed that you lecture a bit on English spelling and grammar here. When grown writers who are not particularly well educated in English start posting tects in this section, they often need help. Thank*s a lot for helping out!
Cheers from Willy

 =  Grow
Daniela Voicu
[08.Jan.09 19:00]
I just finish ,I hope you like .
Thank you Marius, John ,Laurentiu.I grow a little today.


 =  and...........
Laurenţiu Ion
[08.Jan.09 22:13]
when you have "still" in your sentence means that the action continues in the present too. "still" means in romanian "încă", so there's a continuos time.

"I'm still waitING...FOR my love" instead of "I still wait.... my love"

I'm glad I can help!

best wishes,

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