Comentariile membrilor:

 =  rules...
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[27.Feb.09 22:03]
the poem isn't yours, you cannot publish it here under your own name...

 =  Gunsel Djemal
[28.Feb.09 12:01]
Well it's not my poem, it belongs to my friend and his given me his permission to translate it. I have no hidden agenda here. I just happen to translate his poem. Fair enough. To my understanding this means not translated poems on your site?

 =  clasics...
Romulus Campan Maramuresanu
[28.Feb.09 12:00]
you may post these at "classics" page after editorial approval...

 =  Gunsel Djemal
[28.Feb.09 12:17]
Thanks for your response. How? I need more instructions please.
many thanks.

 =  Gunsel Djemal
[28.Feb.09 12:17]
Thanks again. more instructions please. How to post these at "classics" page.
MAny thanks

 =  gunsel djemal
[16.Mar.09 21:53]
Hi Romulus

I have followed your instructions, however, how am I to know when its approved.
when I look I can only see "Portfolio only". advice please

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Foloseşte link-ul existent în pagină (lângă data înscrierii textului), sau alege limba corespunzătoare şi accesează din nou acest text.

De asemenea, nu poţi comenta din pagina care include comentariile off-topic.

Înapoi !