Comentariile membrilor:

 =  heat, indeed
Motoc Lavinia
[24.May.06 18:55]
Again, it is supposed to be a glimpse, maybe you could work a little bit on the first two parts, shorten them??
I miss that heat.

 =  boiling on the surface
andreea l.
[24.May.06 20:25]
"there are a few dead in town, my love/And so i came to tell you" - an incoherent translation of bacovia's "cuptor".

sitting at the cafeteria window, eh? :)

 =  heat is in town!
Florin Hulubei
[24.May.06 21:05]
Lavinia, I could work on them, but how short should they be?
Thank you and come again!

Andreea, Bacovia is one of my favorites. I like cafeterias, indeed! Can you feel the heat?
Thank you!

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