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 =  Blue poem...
Mariana Tanase
[02.Jul.06 03:34]
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

 =  writing for you
[02.Aug.06 01:21]
Now I have time,
do you have some?
The answer doesn't depend on being a man or a woman... All of us, lost in a daily life that hampers our inner voice to speak and, sometimes, we feel nobody makes the effort to listen to your 'poem' voice. Whatever, being deep and true is just a question of honesty with yourself : think about all the poets who spent their lives writing poems alone at home... Was it worthless ?
PS : nice pictures on your 3 poems !

 =  Hi !
Mariana Tanase
[15.Mar.07 15:38]
Glad to meet you Elies !
Is a great and unexpected pleasure to be close to my verses.
I like an image close to my verses, this is the visual poetry.


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!!Vuelta !