Les commentaires des membres:

 =  boots on
Motoc Lavinia
[14.Nov.06 23:07]
I like the way your words are marching here,it is touching but not pathetic, is vivid and bold. I think the subtitle reveals too much and deprives the reader of the need to try and find new, hidden meanings.

 =  Words wearing boots
John Willy Kopperud
[14.Nov.06 23:49]
As I have added in a comment to one of your poems. Lavinia,
I have changed the subtitle. You were right. Thank you very
much for the advice and the response to the content of the poem.

Greetings from Wipperud

 =  sharpness
felix nicolau
[23.Nov.06 01:59]
this elliptic poem is full of substance and it's sharp as a thread.

 =  Words wearing boots
John Willy Kopperud
[25.Nov.06 13:06]
Thank you very much, Felix. It was born out of a need to express concern about political violence and totalitarian

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