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+ I like it, Serban.
Anca Maria Morcovescu
[02.Jul.04 19:24]

the whole poem, especially the first verses lead me to the words in the Bible :"...His only begotten Son". I like the way you redescover this biblical wonder and how you convey it in a cryptic poetic gift.
For me the "shape" is, in fact, the "Shape", the Son of God who
"cuts the horizon in halves" (on His cross )
one for the bites in the garden
one for the shivering waters
attempting to heal." heal the "bites in the garden", Adam's and Eva's bites from the apple. Yes, if the apple could only heal back and change the stars of the mankind! The "Shape " indeed can heal the apple.
And you healed my soul with this poem...
I will visit you again.

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