Comentariile membrilor:

 =  elena
kurt cnejevici
[20.May.04 00:44]
I liked the symbolism in this poem, but you need to correct “maths” in two places (including in the title). It should be “math”.

 =  mathematics
Elena Malec
[20.May.04 01:21]
Hi, Kurt. I am glad you read my poem; as for the the word "maths" here is a free online authoritative source:

"Mathematics is often abbreviated to math in North America
and maths in other English-speaking countries. "

So, I chose the international usage of English.
Thanks for stopping by.
By the way, my maths skills are only poetic.

 =  indeed
kurt cnejevici
[23.May.04 00:02]
Elena, thanks for the reference. The term is indeed correct, as you point out although the choice is a bit unusual in my opinion

 =  why
Elena Malec
[23.May.04 00:09]
is it unusual? Can you elaborate? I'm interested to know.

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