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 =  awfully good
Elena Malec
[10.Nov.05 05:15]
yet, I missed so much since my departure. Hope I'll be able to catch up with everything. By the way, did you notice that minimalist poetry can be great way of condensing ideas?

 =  as if ...
Elena Malec
[10.Nov.05 05:45]
Virgil, a small correction: "as if he were just a ..." I guess you wanted to say: "de parca ar fi fost insusi playbeck-ul..."
Past tense would be "as if he was" but only when the condition is real, in case of an unreal condition(the child is not a silent movie) you replace was by were, i.e., IIIrd person with IInd.
I know it's tricky. When you use other verbs that to be the rule is for the real condition is past tense; as if it rained(ca si cum ar ploua)and the past perfect for the unreal, as if it had rained (ca si cum ar fi plouat.
Thanks for your patience.

 =  here we meet again
Ioana Florea
[08.Sep.06 21:21]
nice poem. if u can see the sad eyes can you see my eyes?

this poetry may look simple, but has all the pain inside. i feel, i touch your thoughts...
and your silent movie... so many memories...


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