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 =  But please, Angela, don't become just another brick in the wall!
Jonathan Heywood
[30.Dec.04 12:14]
This is refreshing description of Angela also showing without a mask her human and imperfect sides.

Years ago, I would have judged Angela as 'tempermental' and 'a diva'. I would or could not understand how somebody was not enjoying her newly found freedom and how litterature and poetry could be her only food.

After reading this article, I have gained an insight of what made Angela what she is. And it gives me nothing but respect for her.

However, this text does not enlighten me into why Angela really wants to transition from literture to politics of all choices...
Angela gets my vote by all means! Somebody who has felt opression, loss, struggle but who is honnestly winning her battles will definately bring her land and people forward.

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