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: Forgotten Poetry 2012-05-25 (4183 hits)
Amalgam Kid
: Hybrid Poetry 2010-06-09 (5038 hits)
Dear Auntie Thelma Butawan Esguerra
: A letter for our beloved Auntie Thelma Personals 2010-06-08 (4078 hits)
Cup of Tea
: My cup of tea for now Poetry 2009-04-22 (4048 hits)
Pentecost Gratuity
: Holy Spirit Poetry 2008-04-08 (5319 hits)
People in the Hamlet
: A Journey for a Reason Poetry 2008-04-07 (5268 hits)
Acclaim to Peerless Symphony
: While listening to a lively latin pop music. (Baile...Baile...Baile) Poetry 2008-04-06 (5311 hits)
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a real poet..... thnx for appreciating it.
thnx chris
thnx for comments its much appreciated
mysterious pentecost
simply expressive
gracias to songo and marius.
thnx amigos john & marius
Thnx 4 ur comment towards my recent poem :-)
you're feedback is accepted :-)
next time maybe our nations reflection
Will remain a mark as never ending.
Septerra Core (the legacy of the creator)
Septerra Core?
alter existence (boulevard of broken dreams)
Saludos por Meastra
Towards the revealing light of the fullmoon's ray.
P.S A Piece of silent machine
this stuff......... is mine
million wondering souls
dome of a untamed interpretations
Ravine Caverns
it's nothing without the strain
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The Lost Dancer
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Georgia Dusk
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Harvest Song
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Song of the Son
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Portrait in Georgia
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Dream Variations
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Po' Boy Blues
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The Weary Blues
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Let America Be America Again
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Night Funeral in Harlem
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Will V-Day Be Me-Day Too?
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The Dream Keeper
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The last Flower
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Biography Joshua Vasquez Butawan
Mi nombre es Joshua Vasquez Butawan...
Yo soy un latino asiatico
a.k.a *scythe*
I was born on July 13, 1988 in the city of Cavite.
I am a graduate of Associate Health and Science Education in [University of Perpetual Help System Dalta] and Hotel and Restaurant Management in [International School of Hotel and Restaurant Management System]
I'm Current working in Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida (Health Insurance Company)
* I simply love music and simply will be dead without it
* I Can't also live without my PSP, basically it's the lifeblood of my