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Stylistic Dynamics of K.K Srivastava's Poetry
: Article 2012-12-24 (10350 hits)
An Other Story
: Poetry 2012-06-11 (4982 hits)
Anarchy of Silence
: Poetry 2012-03-26 (4679 hits)
Cribbed Infinity
: Poetry 2012-03-20 (4946 hits)
A Citadel of Arguments (Part 11)
: Poetry 2011-12-19 (4281 hits)
Saturday Dinner Party
: Poetry 2011-12-13 (4760 hits)
Travails of Oscar M.
: Poetry 2011-12-01 (4939 hits)
A Small Poem
: Poetry 2011-11-30 (4614 hits)
Interview of K K Srivastava by Patrick Sammut
: Article 2011-11-29 (12815 hits)
A Mirage
: Poetry 2011-11-14 (4372 hits)
: Poetry 2011-10-27 (4483 hits)
Human Faces
: Poetry 2011-10-22 (4373 hits)
An Evening
: Poetry 2011-10-18 (4603 hits)
A Poet's Dilemma
: Poetry 2011-10-09 (4239 hits)
: Poetry 2011-10-09 (6179 hits)
Review of Patrick Sammut' book of poems--beyond
: Essay 2011-09-25 (11243 hits)
: Poetry 2011-01-28 (4326 hits)
Review of An Armless Hand Writes
: Poetry 2011-01-05 (5146 hits)
We seem to believe
: Poetry 2010-11-27 (4957 hits)
: Poetry 2010-11-26 (5554 hits)
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Childhood coming back alive
Multiple imagination
Yes, of course
Guide pl.
Great Thoughts
Hard Realities
Right Words
Touching poem
In English pl
Sheer beauty
Tragedy is imortant.
Love-hate relationship
consider this change
think over
Valued comments
So much
Great imagery
A good poem
encouraging poem
I feel there is scope for further trimming these haikus. " Wind roaring, leafle
There is an element of sprituality in this poem. Regards
Unique poem
Emotive, indeed.
Emotive, indeed.
Thanks Julia for reading the poem and commenting.
Thought provoking
Best lines are still thinking therefore he still is. we are as we think.
Silence of suffering, my friend is greatest virtue. Let us enjoy it through this
Corina, you have filled empty space with wonderful thoughts. Regards
A small poem full of passion and emotions.
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Biography Kuldeep Kumar Srivastava
K.K.Srivastava, born in 1960 in Gorakhpur, U.P. did his M.A in Economics in 1980 from Gorakhpur University. He joined Indian Audit & Accounts Service in 1983. He is posted as Chief Auditor, New Delhi Municipal Council, New Delhi. He has two volumes of books of poems to his credit. Ineluctable Stillness (2005) and An Armless Hand Writes (2008).
His books have been reviewed in newspapers like Hindustan Times, Pioneer, Hindu, Tribune on Sunday etc and in established International literary journals. Bernard M. Jackson, a prominent poet from U.K and adviser to Norfolk poets, in his review of Ineluctable Stillness, described Srivastava’s poems as “work of a perfectionist in his natural element’ and compared Srivastava’s poems with those of T.S. Eliot. Dr Stephen Gill, Ansted Poet Laurette and EAU adjunct Professor based in Canada has called Srivastava a “thinker” and praised symbolic nature of his poems. Pioneer compared An Armless Hand Writes with Eliot’s The Waste Land. Dr Kurt F Savtek, a poet and several times Noble Prize nominee for literature from Austria while reviewing the book for Poetcrit (ISSN 0970 2830) Vol XXII January 2009 No 1 writes about An Armless Hand Writes, “The book contains a whole host of life impressions offered with deep wisdom and truth and with the look on essential things-touching and thought provoking. All on a high linguistic level….” Teresinka Pereira, President of IWA based in Ohio, USA described Srivastava poetry “very excellent.” Jayanta Mahapatra, celebrated Indian poet described poems in An Armless Hand Writes as ‘deep and moving.” Sunday Tribune, despite noticing both “erudition” and “credence” in Srivastava’s poems described An Armless Hand Writes as “cold philosophy”. In a review of his book Ineluctable Stillness in Hindustan Times, it was mentioned that, “He is not a genteel poet, he is a disturbing poet, intent on unraveling the human mind of it’s false preconceptions, of it’s delusive hypocrisy masked as genuine emotions.” Likewise, Bernard Jackson says of An Armless Hand Writes in ezine, eTIPS issued from London , “ Srivastava like a virtual Sophoclesian Tiresius of the more modern, decadent world to which he clings (and yet does not entirely belong) comments incisively on the self-centered facades masking the shell of an empty and purposeful society.” Greece poet Zacharoula Gaitanaki described Srivastava's poetry as "wonderful and so close to human being and life." Both of his books have been reviewed admiringly in Indian Literature brought out by Sahitya Akademi, India. Reviewing his book An An Armless Hand Writes for webjournal museindia ( the reviewer writes, "In Srivastava's poems a sense of something larger and uncertain seems to be hanging all over. For understanding his poetry, apart from patience and intelligence, a good deal of acquaintance with literature and history is mandatory to come to grips with deep nuances contained in his verse. He displays in his preface (prose) the craftsmanship of Joseph Conrad, and in his poems he shares the vision of the likes of Sylvia Plath and treats the demonic doings of history through memory the way Czeslaw Miosz had done." Similarly, a reviewer in Indian Journal of Post Colonial Literature and also webjournal authorsden ( has this to say," Hopelessness, pain, sterity, death-all we encounter through K.K.Srivastava' poems. Yet there is something in them which keeps us spell bound. We remember Shelley's " Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thoughts."
Srivastava’s literary articles on Firaq Gorakhpuri, famous Urdu poet have appeared in Glimpses, an anthology brought out by Dr Stephen Gill from Canada and Pakistan Christian post. His poems are included in Norfolk Poets And Writers’s Winter In The Wild North, an anthology of poems edited by London based poet Wendy Webb (Jan 2010).
1) In March 2009,Srivastava was conferred the membership of IWA(International Writers and Artists Association) Ohio, USA (recognised by UNESCO) for what IWA cited as "his distinguished literary, intellectual, artistic and humanistic contributions."
2) His both books were selected by PAGGASI, I.W.A Albania for discussion under focus Indian Literature in an international literary symposium at Albania in April 2010. Patrick Sammut, a Maltese poet who made presentation on Srivastava’s two books noted his poems “for stylistic diversity and as coming from Srivastava’s critical thoughts. His poetry has surpassed other Indian poets; he operates sensibly and figuratively with his style prosaic but ravish. His poetry is lyrical, philosophical and figurative. He is a potent poet in the contemporary poetry and there is more to be said in the outlined road.”
He also headed a jury for selecting nine best poems out of seventy poems from across the world for Albania symposium.
3)In 2010, he was coferred DECREE OF MERIT by Austrian Literary Circle, Austria for " his distinguished contribution to literature."
His email is: [email protected]