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december 8
: my day Poetry 2008-01-29 (3795 hits)
self portrait with mother
: Poetry 2007-12-09 (2855 hits)
Workshop Only
a story
: Poetry 2007-07-02 (2648 hits)
A letter
: Prose 2007-02-07 (4519 hits)
: Poetry 2007-01-30 (3516 hits)
this laughing
: Poetry 2006-08-25 (5244 hits)
He's telling me
: Poetry 2005-11-27 (3015 hits)
On myself
: Poetry 2005-11-21 (8172 hits)
Workshop Only
: Poetry 2005-11-21 (2641 hits)
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Love’s Philosophy
Poetry by Percy Bisshe Shelley
Feelings of a Republican on the Fall of Bonaparte
Poetry by Percy Bisshe Shelley
Stanzas Written In Dejection Near Naples
Poetry by Percy Bisshe Shelley
Poetry by Percy Bisshe Shelley
Ode to the West Wind
Poetry by Percy Bisshe Shelley
The Indian Serenade
Poetry by Percy Bisshe Shelley
I Fear Thy Kisses
Poetry by Percy Bisshe Shelley
One word is too often profaned
Poetry by Percy Bisshe Shelley
A Lament
Poetry by Percy Bisshe Shelley
Biography Miruna Dima
1996-2000 Universitatea București, Facultatea de Litere
Este singurul element biografic care are vreo importanță aici.
În rest, mă simt acasă doar printre cărți.
Mi-aș dori să vină cineva într-o zi și să-mi dăruiască o bibliotecă de poveste, undeva, la malul mării.
Dar cum aceasta este o utopie, bibliotecile publice sau personale îmi sunt de ajutor. Iar marea o găsesc ba în mine, ba în lumea din jur.